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Tag: Finland

Positive Thinking

I found one of the most fascinating talks in TED is given by Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work. I’ve watched it for several times and each time I see it, I find it even more inspiring. Following Shawn’s suggestion, I’m trying to list three things that make me happy everyday. Here it goes:

  1. I’m happy that I woke up late and had sufficient sleep.
  2. Immediately after I woke up I went to have lunch with my friends. The food was great and it is always nice to be with friends. And now we are going to have dinner together again. 🙂
  3. The weather is great. I’m very grateful for that.
  4. My neighbor is back from a one-month travel and gives me a pack of chocolate. It’s also nice to hear her travel experiences.
  5. See the following picture:

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Finnish Christmas Food

One colleague said that he felt lucky because they don’t have to eat the traditional Christmas food any more. But I think the food is not that bad, at least the salad is quite good. Especially the salty and sour and sweet herings, they taste delicious.



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Back on bike

I haven’t cycled much since my previous bicycle was stolen in Stockholm last year, which ruined my plan of cycling from Stockholm to Helsinki. Now I’m planning something similar: I’m cycling from Helsinki to Lappland — not so big deal compared with the previous plan, but still better than nothing.

In order to prepare for the journey, a French friend and I went to Porvoo, a small city around 50
km to the east of Helsinki. It started well, the weather was not perfect but except for the drizzling part it was all right. Then it started raining heavily and we got somewhere in Helsinki. After we were finally able to locate our position it turned out a part of the route was closed due to construction. Fortunately we managed to find out another path and rode all the way to the destination. In total the 60 km journey took us 4 hours, including the time wasted in Helsinki, not bad at

My friend’s new raincoat was in pieces one hour after he put it on. This may be too obvious: it was made in China.

Immediately after we arrived at a park near the city center of Porvoo, a young lady approached me and said ‘moi’. I ‘moi’ed back and then she started speaking Finnish to me. She talked for around one minute and stopped, looking at me. I replied, “Anteeksi, en puhu suomea.” She seemed embarrassed and asked if I speak English. It turned out she was
writing an article about the park and wanted to know my opinion on it. I felt flattered (come on, a journalist was interviewing me :D) and complimented on the park. We talked a bit about the park and she asked our names and took some pictures of us. I couldn’t help to be excited when I thought of I’d appear on some newspapers or magazines — first time indeed.

After lunch we spent half an hour visiting the old town. There’s not much to note down, except that I met an American
in the church and he speaks Chinese. Around 1:30 we got on our bikes again and headed back. It was much more difficult since we were riding too fast in the morning and felt tired once we got on the bike. Headwind made it harder. But I was motivated by a cyclist on the road. He stopped us asking the road to Porvoo. I gave him my map and asked where he was from. He said he was from Hanko and had been riding for 20 hours… How crazy was that? Anyway it took us more than 5 hours to get
back. And I couldn’t feel my ass after I arrived at home…

It was really quite an experience. We survived the rain, unfamiliar route, headwind and physical exhaustion. In the following weeks I’d do more exercises, if I want to survive the 1000 km journey.

PS. Porvoo is quite, as anyone would expect for a city with a population of 35,000 (source: the journalist).


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A walk on the sea

Just took a walk literally “ON” the sea since the water was completely frozen.

It was my third time walking on ice.

The first time was in Kiruna, a small town in the arctic circle in northern Sweden. We were walking on a lake and the guide told us to keep a distance from each other, so as not to break the ice and get ourselves frozen in the lake. It made us all nervous but in the
end I found him to be kidding. You can even drive trucks on that. On the way back the guide drove the van onto a lake and showed us how it was like to drift on ice.

The second time I was walking on the shore around Otaniemi and found many Finns skiing or ice fishing on the sea. So I walked on it with great care, and found out it was quite safe to walk there.

This morning I was originally planning to take a walk along the coast line. But then again I found some guys
playing on the sea. So I stepped out on it. At first I was a bit afraid, after all we were getting positive temperatures in the past few days. But after a while I was sure that there was nothing to be afraid of. I jumped on the sea and nothing happened. Besides, walking on the sea is much easier than walking on the road. Walking on the sea is like struggling in a swamp, as snow could be very thick at some points; while walking on the road was like dancing Waltz on a mirror, because the roads
are covered with ice and a very thin layer of fresh snow. And this time I used GPS to track my location and ended up with the following trail.


The whole trail is 7 kilometers and my average speed was 4.39 km/h. But the top speed was 13.36 km/h because I was chasing by a shark. LOL.

Another picture:

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Minun tavallinen päivä Suomessa

Minä opiskelen TKK:ssa, Suomessa. Työpäivänä aamulla herätyskello soi kello 7, ja minä herään. Minä nousen ja käyn suihkussa. Sitten minä juon maitoa ja joskus syön omenaa. Minä pyöräilen kurssille, koska minulla on uusi polkupyörä ja asun Otaniemessä. Päivällä minä olen kurssilla TKK:ssa. Lounasta minä syön ystävän kanssa Tietokonetalossa tai Päätalossa. Minä syön usein riisiä, leipää ja lihaa ja syön paljon. Iltapäivällä minä olen myös kurssilla tavallisesti. Minä en pidä kurssista, mutta minun täytyy mennä kurssille. Illalla minulla ei ole kurssia, mutta minun täytyy tehdä kotitehtävät. Minä menen kotiin noin kello 18 ja sitten teen illallisen. Minä osaan tehdä hyvää kiinalaista ruokaa, mutta en tykkää laittaa ruokaa. Kello 20 minä alan tehdä kotitehtävät. Minä en katso televisiota, koska minulla ei ole televisiota. Mutta joskus minä katson filmiä tietokoneella. Normaalisti minä nukun noin kello 24.

Viikonloppuna minä olen Solvallassa. Minä opiskelen suomea siellä. Minä opiskelen suomea, koska haluan olla työssä Suomessa. Perjantaina minä käyn Solvallassa ystävän kanssa. Me menemme taksilla. Me opiskelemme suomea noin kaksi tuntia, sitten me syömme illallisen ravintolassa. Siellä ruoka on aina hyvää ja minä syön usein paljon. Joskus me käymme saunassa kello 20. Minä pidän saunasta paljon! Minä uin usein järvessä siellä. Lauantaina ja sunnuntaina meillä on myös suomen kurssi. Opettaja on hyvä ja minä opiskelen hyvin paljon suomea siellä Solvallassa.

Me tulemme Otaniemeen iltapäivällä sunnuntaina. Sitten minä käyn kaupassa ja ostan ruokaa. Minä soitan kotiin Kiinaan tietokoneella joka viikko. Äiti ja isä ovat aina iloisia, kun soitan.

Minä tykkään Suomesta hyvin paljon ja haluan asua Suomessa ikuisesti!

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今天骑车去Ikea时完全没有用GPS,因为之前在Tourist Center拿了一份非常详细的户外运动地图,而且沿路给骑行者的路标也十分详细。所以我就信心十足的出发了,骑到路口的时候再拿出地图来计划路线。




P.S. 这里的郊区真的很美,以后有机会要多去城市周边转转。

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