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  • Fear makes one only weaker

    Yesterday morning I received a call from one business partner complaining about two german students not satisfied with the internship position at another business partner…Continue readingFear makes one only weaker

  • The lean method

    I knew there was something wrong with the management and how we do things at Yabroad, but it was difficult for me to convince other people…Continue readingThe lean method

  • Raspberry Pi as a toy web server

    1. Tell my router to route certain traffic to the Raspberry Pi. For example, I route HTTP and SSH traffic to one of my Pi’s.…Continue readingRaspberry Pi as a toy web server

  • What’s important for a start-up

    A friend of mine is considering to set up a startup company , here are the things I think are important for startup. Usually when…Continue readingWhat’s important for a start-up

  • NumPy’s ndarray indexing

    In NumPy a new kind of array is provided: n-dimensional array or ndarray. It’s usually fixed-sized and accepts items of the same type and size. For…Continue readingNumPy’s ndarray indexing

  • Statistics of insurance sold on on Valentine’s Day

    On Feb. 14th Taobao launched a campaign to sell insurance products, which promises 7% yearly interest rate. The sales data is public, so I wrote…Continue readingStatistics of insurance sold on on Valentine’s Day

  • Statistic analysis of 20 Million Hotel Reservations

    I did a statistic analysis of the recently leaked 20 million hotel reservation records and here’re some preliminary results.

  • MapReduce in MongoDB > db.lattern_money_record.mapReduce( function() { emit(this.quantity, 1) }, function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }, { query: {‘quantity’: {$gt: 500}}, out: {inline: 1} } )…Continue readingMapReduce in MongoDB

  • The Last Battle: Long-term vs. Short-term Gains

    During yesterday’s meeting the boss mentioned that our unpaid salary and bonus will be paid, when we have enough money, maybe in April when we…Continue readingThe Last Battle: Long-term vs. Short-term Gains

  • The Last Battle: My Fear

    The day we reach an agreement to cut off employees was not a difficult day for me, as I always knew there would be a…Continue readingThe Last Battle: My Fear