In this project, we explored the performance of the popular hash function MD5 — Message Digest Algorithm Version 5. Firstly we introduce the algorithm in detail. Then we check the algorithm’s complexity in two aspects: computational and space complexity. Furthermore we check the security aspects of MD5: whether it is feasible to find collision it using brute force, birthday attack, and cryptanalysis. Available cryptanalysis methods are introduced so that we can find out why MD5 is not considered secure any more.
The computational complexity of MD5 can be seen from the following diagram:
The bash script used to generate the above diagram is as follows:
#!/bin/sh # Date: Nov. 28th, 2009 # Usage: ./ Directory_Name USAGE='Usage: ./ Directory_Name' if [ $# != 1 ] then echo $USAGE exit fi if [ -d $1 ] then DICTORY=$1 else echo $USAGE exit fi # Create a statics file DATE=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S%N` STATICS="$HOME/statics.$DATE" if [ ! -e "$STATICS"] then touch "$STATICS" fi cat /dev/null >$STATICS cd $DICTORY # For each file in the directory, # compute its MD5 value with 'md5sum'. # And record the file size and the time # it takes to compute its MD5 hash. find $PWD -iname "*" |\ while read i do if [ -f "$i" ] then echo "Calculating MD5 for: $i" SIZE=`du -m "$i" |cut -f1` (time -f "%e" -o /tmp/time md5sum \ "$i")1> /dev/null TIME=`cat /tmp/time` echo "$SIZE\t\t$TIME" >>$STATICS fi done rm /tmp/time echo "Size\t\tTime" cat $STATICS # Draw a more straightforward graph # using 'gnuplot' cd $HOME GNUPLOTFILE="plot" echo "set terminal postscript eps 22" \ >$GNUPLOTFILE echo "set output \"graph.eps\"" \ >>$GNUPLOTFILE echo "set key left top Left" \ >>$GNUPLOTFILE echo "setxlabel \"File Size (M)\"" \ >>$GNUPLOTFILE echo "set ylabel \"Processing Time (s)\"" \ >>$GNUPLOTFILE echo "plot [0:1500][0:50] \""$STATICS"\" \ with points ps 1 pt 7 title \"\"" \ >>$GNUPLOTFILE gnuplot <$GNUPLOTFILE evince graph.eps& #rm $GNUPLOTFILE #rm $STATICS echo "Task done!" exitOne Comment