This is done using JMF (Java Media Framework). Voice data is read from a file using `MediaLocator’. It is used as the data source for a `Processor’. The `Processor’ specifies and converts the audio data to a certain format and then output the converted data into a `DataSink’. The `DataSink’ then transfers the stream to its destination address and port.
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When the web server receives a POST' message from the web page, it will first check whether the message is valid. If so,
freeTTS‘ is used to generate a voice file and the file is saved in the `wav’ directory with pre-configured file name.
The voice generator looks as follows:
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice; import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager; import; /** * * @author Daoyuan */ public class VoiceGenerator { String message; public VoiceGenerator(String message){ this.message = message; } public void generateVoiceFile(String filename){ Voice voice; VoiceManager vm = VoiceManager.getInstance(); voice = vm.getVoice("kevin16"); voice.allocate(); String baseName = filename.substring(0, filename.toLowerCase().indexOf(".wav")); SingleFileAudioPlayer sfap = new SingleFileAudioPlayer("wav/" + baseName, javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE); voice.setAudioPlayer(sfap); voice.speak(message); sfap.close(); voice.deallocate(); } }Leave a Comment