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Category: Blog

The Last Battle: Our Problems

After yesterday’s 6-hour meeting we finally made a decision: focus on programs that may immediately make money and make sure we survive in the following six month; and cut off more than half of our employees — which makes me think what a pity it is for those being laid off, because it’s mainly the executives’ fault. Or to be specific, it’s the boss’s problem that lead to the current situation.

So what he is doing wrong? Not focusing on the business. Since day zero he is always looking for fundings to support our business, which he fails to define; but he always fails to find enough funding to support the company. Each borrowing was used to pay previous debts, which leads to a situation defined in the book “Scarcity”: the poor gets poorer, the busy gets busier. We are always solving problems that are urgent but not necessarily important — we tunnel and we pay for doing this.

But what’s important anyway, for a startup? Finding out what’s unique about your company and proving that this uniqueness has its value. It sounds easy but think about this: is there a startup that isn’t unique. Every startup claims to be unique; so what’s left is about proving the value of the uniqueness, which is your core business activity and which is what tells you apart from others. If you fails doing so, what you’re doing must be wrong or inappropriate at best. For us, we claim that our business model is superior than those traditional agencies and facilitates young people to travel beyond boards. The results? For one and half years we spent roughly 5 million CNY and attracted around ten customers, which by the way, is less than the number of our employees. So if you keep telling me you’re unique, go and slap yourself until you realize you’re just wasting money.

To prove your value you need the right team. There has to be salesmen that are able to get customers, product developers that make sure the product or service is attractive, and managers to setup goals and coordinate the team members. For us, we are incomplete and incompetent. Basically everyone of us is from an engineering background and knows nothing about marketing and sales; yet this is the most important aspect for our company. When everyone is expecting others to generate revenue, no one will. It also strikes me that, when you feel your efforts will not significantly contribute to your company’s cash flow, you’re in the wrong place. Switch to another position or another company. I don’t think there’re more choices for you.

Make sure you have control over your career path; do not focus too much on pressing tasks; step out of the tunnel and also see the big picture. Keep this in mind.

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Debugging Apache configuration files on Mac OS X

Sometimes I make some modification to my site’s apache config and apache stops functioning, but I cannot get enough information from /var/log/apache2/error.log. Here’s a command that will tell you where the problem is:

sudo /usr/sbin/httpd -k start -e Debug -E /dev/stdout

It starts apache for debugging and prints out the messages on screen, so that hopefully you can find something useful.

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mod_wsgi and mod_xsendfile on OS X 10.9 Mavericks

Updated on Nov 4, 2013: The following tricks may still work, however I have found a much easier solution. Simply install Xcode command line developer tools and you should be able to compile source code without issues:

$ xcode-select --install

After upgrading my Mac from 10.8 to 10.9 Mavericks my apache stopped working, so I have to reinstall mod_wsgi and mod_xsendfile. However, tricks are needed to compile and install these mods successfully.

Upgrade Xcode

Upgrade Xcode in App Store. As mentioned by Valerie:

I had to manually upgrade Xcode (after Mavericks upgrade) from the App Store & agree to its license because ./configure hung forever until I did that.


For mod_wsgi installation, create a soft link to OSX10.9.xctoolchain:

cd /Applications/
sudo ln -s XcodeDefault.xctoolchain OSX10.9.xctoolchain

Then run configure under mod_wsgi source code directory:

mod_wsgi-3.4$ ./configure

It will generate a Makefile similar as follows:

#  Copyright 2007 GRAHAM DUMPLETON                                               
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");               
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.              
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                       
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software           
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,             
#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.      
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and           
#  limitations under the License.                                                

APXS = /usr/sbin/apxs                                                            
PYTHON = /usr/local/bin/python                                                   

DESTDIR =                                                                        
LIBEXECDIR = /usr/libexec/apache2                                                

CPPFLAGS =  -I/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7 -DNDEBUG 
CFLAGS =   -Wc,'-arch x86_64'                                                    
LDFLAGS =  -Wl,-F/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.5/Frameworks -framework Python -u _PyMac_Error   -arch x86_64
LDLIBS =  -ldl  -framework CoreFoundation                                        

all :                                                         : mod_wsgi.c                                                         
    $(APXS) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) mod_wsgi.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)             

$(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECDIR) :                                                        
    mkdir -p $@                                                                  

install : all $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECDIR)                                            
    $(APXS) -i -S LIBEXECDIR=$(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECDIR) -n 'mod_wsgi' 

clean :                                                                          
    -rm -rf .libs                                                                
    -rm -f mod_wsgi.o mod_wsgi.lo mod_wsgi.slo mod_wsgi.loT          
    -rm -f config.log config.status                                              
    -rm -rf autom4te.cache                                                       

distclean : clean                                                                
    -rm -f Makefile                                                  

realclean : distclean                                                            
    -rm -f configure

However, this Makefile is not correct and running ‘make’ the compiler will complain something like:

mod_wsgi.c:34:10: fatal error: 'httpd.h' file not found

Prepend the following line to CPPFLAGS value:

-I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/

Save the Makefile and it will look something like:

#  Copyright 2007 GRAHAM DUMPLETON                                               
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");               
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.              
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                       
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software           
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,             
#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.      
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and           
#  limitations under the License.                                                

APXS = /usr/sbin/apxs                                                            
PYTHON = /usr/local/bin/python                                                   

DESTDIR =                                                                        
LIBEXECDIR = /usr/libexec/apache2                                                

CPPFLAGS =  -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/Xcode. app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/usr/include/apache2 -I/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7 -DNDEBUG
CFLAGS =   -Wc,'-arch x86_64'                                                             
LDFLAGS =  -Wl,-F/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.5/Frameworks -framework Python -u _PyMac_Error   -arch x86_64
LDLIBS =  -ldl  -framework CoreFoundation                                        

all :                                                         : mod_wsgi.c                                                         
    $(APXS) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) mod_wsgi.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)             

$(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECDIR) :                                                        
    mkdir -p $@                                                                  

install : all $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECDIR)                                            
    $(APXS) -i -S LIBEXECDIR=$(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECDIR) -n 'mod_wsgi' 

clean :                                                                          
    -rm -rf .libs                                                                
    -rm -f mod_wsgi.o mod_wsgi.lo mod_wsgi.slo mod_wsgi.loT          
    -rm -f config.log config.status                                              
    -rm -rf autom4te.cache                                                       

distclean : clean                                                                
    -rm -f Makefile                                                  

realclean : distclean                                                            
    -rm -f configure

Then make && install:

mod_wsgi-3.4$ make
mod_wsgi-3.4$ sudo make install

Modify /etc/apache2/httpd.conf to enable mod_wsgi:

LoadModule wsgi_module libexec/apache2/


Use the following command to compile and install mod_xsendfile:

sudo apxs -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -cia mod_xsendfile.c

Enabling HTTPS/SSL

After upgrading OS X the apache configuration was reset, but your original config is save to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.pre-update. I need to enable SSL in httpd.conf again by uncommenting the following line:

# Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Restart Apache and everything should work fine

sudo apachectl restart

Solution: dd too slow on Mac OS X

When I was cloning SD cards on Mac OS X using `dd’, it takes ages to get things done. I was using the following command:

diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/2013-10-09.alice.img of=/dev/disk2

It takes much less time when using /dev/rdisk2 instead of /dev/disk2:

diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/2013-10-09.alice.img of=/dev/rdisk2

The reason is that rdisks are “raw” thus resulting in a higher R/W speed, according to `man hdiutil` [1]:

/dev/rdisk nodes are character-special devices, but are “raw” in the BSD sense and force block-aligned I/O. They are closer to the physical disk than the buffer cache. /dev/disk nodes, on the other hand, are buffered block-special devices and are used primarily by the kernel’s filesystem code.



Online Shopping in China

For those who have been to China but have not tried online shopping, they haven’t really been to China. Online shopping is probably the fastest growing industry in China. Here are some numbers to testify that:

  • In 2012, online sales counts for 5.5% of all domestic retail trade in China; whereas in the U.S. the figure is 5.1%. Chinese love online shopping more than Americans!
  • On Nov. 11, 2012, the sales on Taobao & Tmall (both belongs to Alibaba) reached 19.1 Billion CNY ($3.12 billion), dwarfing American’s Cyber Monday sales, which totaled $1.5 billion. And that $3.12 billion went to just one company in on day!
  • In 2012, online sales totaled $212.4 billion, playing a catching up with the U.S., where online sales totaled $228.7 in 2012.
  • The industry was growing by 75.3%, 66.3% and 48.5% in 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively.

If the above figures do not impress you, consider this scenario: on Monday morning you go to work and one of your colleagues recommends you a lipstick that she finds excellent. You go to your favorite online shopping website and added the lipstick to your shopping cart and check out without really paying for it, choosing to pay when the lipstick is delivered to you. Then you continue working and have lunch. After lunch the delivery guy showed up and your lipstick is here. You pay for it and you just bought a lipstick and are already trying it!

That was not exaggerating at all, especially if you live in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. If you happens to live in smaller cities like I do, I still get most of my purchases within 10-24 hours. I usually buy books at night and the next morning they’re delivered to me. That’s probably I bought a lot of books! When I was living in Finland, the delivery often takes days, if not weeks. You will definitely feel the difference the first time you try online shopping in China.

But the fast delivery is not the only reason why online shopping is popular in China, most people buy stuff online because it’s convenient and you can compare things. And often you have many choices. Online stores ofter many different models for the same product. Different stores sell different things. And you can literally find everything you need online. Clothes, shoes, books, tickets? Of course! Meat, vegetables, eggs? Why not? Gold, investments, Cars, apartments, helicopters? No problem, how many do you want? OK, you made your point. How about boyfriends and girlfriends? Hell yeah, pay now and you’ll have one tomorrow!

Besides, things are cheap online, even if you count in delivery fees. Clothes are sold from a few dollars to a few hundred. Most are of good quality. And if you are not satisfied, you can most likely ask for a refund. Most stuff sold online are warranted. What? Chinese only make cheap crappy stuff? Jesus, from whom do you hear that from? Your grandma? Well, we may have different standards for “crappy stuff”, but I do believe most things are more than worthy of the money you paid for.

I’m not here to persuade anyone to try online shopping in China, but I assure you if you do, you’ll be amazed. I was amazed when I first come back from a few years of stay in the Nordics. If you ask me for advice, there just one: check your credit card regularly so that you do not shop too much!

Anyway, bellow are the top online stores in China. They are mostly in Chinese and you should ask your Chinese friends for help. and, they are the largest online shopping store in China, both belonging to Alibaba. Taobao is mainly C2C and Tmall is mainly B2C. Often stuff on Tmall are also available on Taobao, but Tmall stuff usually are of better quality., the second largest online store, mainly B2C. Best known for its fast delivery., online supermarket. Meat, vegetables, seasoning stuff, imported food, etc.

Happy shopping!

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More beautiful than you’d thought

Two videos today. The first one: Real Beauty Sketches (

We all get used to the good parts of ourselves and often get trapped in the parts that we don’t like about ourselves. However, others may not view you the same way as you do. Things you hate may be the favorite of another. In a different eye you are more beautiful than you think you are.

And the second one: Information management as an organization on (

I didn’t know I could make a video relatively smoothly with much confidence. But I made it. It sounds not bad. I’m confident when talking about things I know and familiar of. I’m not afraid of getting my voice heard. On those occasions when I’m reluctant to speak out, it’s not because of I’m afraid I have a horrible voice or my English is not interpretable. But now I know my voice is more than OK and so is my English. I just need a little confidence on the contents when I start to speak. I may do more of these in the future, but probably with a script before rolling the camera. 🙂


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Traditional Chinese Festivals: An Infographic

Last week I made an infographic on Traditional Chinese Festivals. It’s the first time I make this sort of things and I’m already in love with it. Infographics are straightforward in showing ideas using numbers and pictures. Unlike blog posts, infographics are easier to read; and unlike tweets, infographics can contain a lot of information. In a way infographics are similar to fruit salad: you like it because it tastes good, and it’s good for you because it supplies you a log of nutrition; plus, you never get bored with it since it comes in various combinations!

So here’s the infographic I made, probably not the best one you’ve ever seen though. But shut up and I’m working on getting it better! 🙂

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Facebook vs. Google advertisements

Since last week I’ve been investigating how to efficiently promote our website ( Our Facebook page got 139 likes a week ago, and now we have 175. Among the 36 new likes, 22 are from two Facebook campaigns. The first campaign cost 15 dollars and earned 20 likes, averaging 0.75 dollars per like with a click-through rate of 0.290%. In a way this is affordable and more efficiently than stand at international students’ dormitory in Shanghai and spread flyers. Three of us probably sent out around 100 flyers to international students but got nothing to our Facebook page nor website. The first campaign focused on gaining new likes and it went quite well; our second campaign cost 5 dollars, promoting a video post with a goal to earn new likes. This campaign boosted another 2,169 reach, 143 clicks and 2 new likes. Had the video been more engaging, probably we could have gotten more clicks, shares and likes. Since Facebook users nowadays are exposed more and more to various contents, it’s become increasingly difficult to get users engaged.

In the meanwhile, we also launched three campaigns on Google Adwords. So far we got 30 clicks and cost about 40 dollars. The average CPC is $1.36 — almost twice of that for FB, but the conversion rate is zero. No one has applied or enquired our pages (maybe due to the low volume). Google Adwords is different from Facebook. On Facebook you attract people to your FB page but not your website; whereas Google takes visitors directly to your website. FB leaves you a space for imagination, though. Once you get a page like from someone, he/she will be able to see the updates your page posts.

Suppose the Google CPC is twice of Facebook CPC, if one in two earned FB followers click one of our promoted posts, FB is doing better. That does not sound like a issue. I’d place all my bet on Facebook and maybe time to buy FB shares?

We also tried to promote on LinkedIn but failed to find appropriate ways. LinkedIn is mainly for serious jobs, not internships. Instagram neither, there seems to be a lot of robots on Instagram; it’s not clear for us to find a way to promote ourselves, either. So for the moment, we only consider Facebook and Google. Oh no, Facebook is our focus and Google is not helping much, but we still need to spend the remaining 90 dollars we got from a coupon, slowly.

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Chief Flyer Officer a.k.a. CFO

We went to attend the Expat Show Shanghai this weekend trying to promote our Yabroad Open Platform. In the show we have to talk to different international people that may be interested in our business. Our targeting group is international youngsters who might be interested in coming to and living in China for internships, studies, traveling, or volunteer works. Unfortunately there were not many people within our target group in the Expat Show: not so many international youngsters came to the show. But we thought it might be worthy of convincing those mid-aged people to get interested in us. We went to speak with them and give them our flyers. I successfully sent out around 80 flyers in the morning and was nominated as the CFO (Chief Flyer Officer) by my team. Here’s what I’ve learnt:

  1. Stand close to the entrance. When people come to a show they may receive as many as hundreds of flyers, so it is important to talk to them as early as possible. Waiting for audience at the entrance has many benefits: they are not bored or exhausted (yet); it impossible to escape from you when they have to enter from the entrance; if people are interested in your business you can tell them where your stand is and they will remember your business when they come to your stand.
  2. Block the way. It may sound nasty but you can do it under camouflage. For example, simply stand in a narrow hallway and slightly stretch out, like bowing slightly may make you appear more politely. If you block people’s way and are smiling at someone, he/she has to listen to you.
  3. Observe and listen. Make eye contact and speak with people you feel comfort with. Generally, women are less likely to refuse your attempt to talk with them. In the meanwhile, listen to what people are talking about. For instance, I heard someone calling his friend “Patrik” with a Swedish accent, then I just asked him if he comes from Sweden. It turned out he is from Finland. Me too! Then I introduced him our business and he seemed interested.
  4. Smile, relate, compliment. Nobody likes a poker face when talked to; smile and people will get pleased. There are many occasions when I ask people where they are from, and I’ll respond “Hey! I’ve been/studied there!” or “My girlfriend is studying there!”. Then people may start to ask you questions like “how do you like it there”. Just compliment them. Then introduce them your business. Hard to refuse.

Overall I think the experience was great. I got to know more about our end customers and how to introduce our business in the shortest time, as well as how to communicate with potential customers and talk with strangers. And hey, being a CFO is not difficult! 😀


A glimpse of Japan

Chinese always have a mild hatred for Japanese: in TV series, movies, advertisements, Japanese are usually depicted as stupid, cruel, lustful and unruly. I didn’t see any movies that shows Japan and Japanese people positively. In fact, China has a term calling Japan and Japanese people: “Xiao Riben”, literally “Little Japanese”. Chinese often talk about Japanese people with contempt. However, based on 10-day visit in Japan, I think Chinese should not be that proud.

The first impression of Japan: neat and clean. You do not see any trash bins in the streets; you do not see any trash either. In Japan you have to bring your garbage back home. You clean up your own mess. And back home, you have to categorize the trash. Japan is a country keen of recycling resources. Plastic bottles have their own bins. In some small places in Japan, only trash in a certain category will be received, i.e., on Monday you can only take your plastic bottles out but not bio trash; on Tuesday you may throw away bio trash but not glass bottles.

It’s quiet. People don’t talk to each other on the bus or subway; if they do, no one hears them. On buses and subway carts, no-talk-on-the-phone signs are quite common. On the road no cars honk. People walk as fast as people in China, but you can feel the difference: it’s more peaceful in Japan.

Everything is in order. People obey rules. No one crosses the red light, be there traffic or not. We went to a city name Takayama and early in the morning  we took a walk around the city. The streets are almost empty, with a few pedestrians, no cars on the street. However, people still wait until traffic lights turn green. On elevators people stand on one side and leave space for those in a hurry. In bus stops people line up and nobody jumps a queue.

People are polite, most are friendly. You may not get used to it when people bow you all the time: in supermarkets, in shops, even on the street. Still in Takayama, a girl tries to cross the road when she noticed a car is approaching; she paused; the driver signals her to go first; the girl bowed to the driver and crossed the road; the car continues moving. You will never see this in China. The car won’t stop in the first place. On the contrary to movie depictions, I found most Japanese friendly. On the streets if you ask for directions, many will take you to your destination if it’s not far away. When my girlfriend is moving out from her student apartment, it was raining. The apartment administrator offered to drive us and our luggage to the metro station by his own car. I doubt this happens in China.

Of course we met a lady who discriminated us in Shirakawa-Go. We ordered food and she asked us to pay first. All others pay after they had food. She might have encountered customers not paying for food. What happened to her may not be pleasant, but how she treated us made us unpleasant as well. But the experience in Japan was extremely positive. I’d encourage every Chinese to go visit Japan. Things will be better if we understand each other better. People should learn from each other and treat each other as equal parties. I believe people in China and Japan are both nice, they are just taken advantage of by those asshole politicians. Well, screw them!

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The power of thinking without thinking

Blink: the power of thinking without thinking is another book by Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Outliers: the story of success I just read a few days ago. He is a good writer: he knows how to explains theories with examples and stories that creates resonance to audience. And he knows how to write bestsellers: books should be easy to follow and not too lengthy. This book Blink is a fine example: it’s a less-than-300-page small book.

Compared with Subliminal, this book does not contain too much diving into how human brains work. Instead, it’s all about plain but intriguing stories. It starts by talking about spotting a bogus statue at first sight; then it discusses about how to predict divorces by analyzing how couples talk to each other; then it comes to why we fall for people’s appearances, how newbie police fails to read people’s minds, etc.

This book brings up a theory called “thin-slicing”: getting the big picture without actually going through the whole picture, but through taking a small part of descriptive samples and inferring the correct result using these samples. Thin-slicing is an ability that only through years of practice can it be possessed. It is a state that spontaneous and correct judgement occurs to you even though your consciousness has yet participated in the process. This ability becomes an integrated part of yourself, just like the instinct to avoid coming cars. It doesn’t necessarily deal with reasoning: your success of getting the correct answer does not guarantee that you know exactly why. If you are forced to give reasons, you may not come up with correct ones and they may hazard your first-sight judgement. To reason means to use your conscious mind; but thin-slicing is from deeper than the consciousness — it comes from the unconsciousness of your brain.

However, thin-slicing may not always give us correct results. We usually trust those who are good looking, while this sometimes leads to unpleasant endings, such as choosing the handsome Warren Harding as the president of the US and who make the worst president in US history; Most white people and including some black people, think under their consciousness that the white is a superior; Many treat women as inferior. These are the unconsciousness that we need to prevent, otherwise we are not able to focus on the aspects that really matters.

In summary, use the unconsciousness, but use it properly. Train the mind, so that the pattern recognition engine in our brains gets recognizing what is important and what is not, so that in a blink of time, we can make the best decision without thinking (using our conscious mind).


What a day: bus and dogs

Almost ran over by a bus at a crossroad when I was riding home from work, I jammed the brakes on and hear the rubbing sound of my bicycle tyre against the ashalt. Fortunately it stopped quickly and the bus was not running very fast, and it slowed down too. I was lucky that I had tuned the bike brakes a fews weeks back so that it can actually stop, not decelerate, in a short time.

After another block I kinda calmed down but two dogs started chasing me. They were barking and close to me. I had to lift my legs up in afraid of their bites. But then the bike slowed down and it almost ran onto the curb. Fortunately enough, the dogs stopped chasing.

So in a way I was lucky not having ended up in the hospital today, I guess there should be some good news for me in the next few days…


A “normal” sed on Mac

The `sed` program on Mac is not a standard (GNU) one. To get the normal one, use brew:

brew install gnu-sed

After this, alter PATH. For example, add the following line to your `~/.bash_profile`:


And now you have a normal sed!