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Statistics of insurance sold on on Valentine’s Day

On Feb. 14th Taobao launched a campaign to sell insurance products, which promises 7% yearly interest rate. The sales data is public, so I wrote a script to crawl them down and did a brief study on this data. Here’re the results.

On that day (actually sold out in less than two hours in total) more than 40,000 people participated, resulting a total sales of almost one billion CNY (the exact number: 980,270,000 CNY). Two companies participated in this sales campaign: Zhujiang and Tian’an. The sales statistics are:

# of Customers138312909242923
Sales mean (k CNY)24.92205921.84700322.837872
Sales min (k CNY)111
Sales 25% (k CNY)122
Sales 50% (k CNY)101010
Sales 75% (k CNY)202522
Sales max (k CNY)10009001000
Sales total (k CNY)344697635573980270

The histograms of how many people pay for each amount.


Zhujiang was extremely popular: in 2 minutes and 56 seconds it reached a sales of 200,212,000 CNY, that’s more than 1 million CNY sales PER SECOND! Indeed Chinese are crazy about online shopping. 😀

Published in Data Analysis


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