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  • A glimpse of Japan

    Chinese always have a mild hatred for Japanese: in TV series, movies, advertisements, Japanese are usually depicted as stupid, cruel, lustful and unruly. I didn’t…Continue readingA glimpse of Japan

  • 判断机制

    在ifanr上看到一篇文章里面这样一句话,觉得很有意思: 蒙洛迪诺说,人做判断的时候有两种机制:一种是”科学家机制”,先有证据再下结论;一种是”律师机制”,先有了结论再去找证据。 在不同的场合,不同的时机,同一个人也可能会采用不同的判断方式。但我觉得我自己和大多数人更倾向于使用“律师机制”,不信?看我去找找证据……

  • The power of thinking without thinking

    Blink: the power of thinking without thinking is another book by Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Outliers: the story of success I just read a few days ago.…Continue readingThe power of thinking without thinking

  • What a day: bus and dogs

    Almost ran over by a bus at a crossroad when I was riding home from work, I jammed the brakes on and hear the rubbing…Continue readingWhat a day: bus and dogs

  • A “normal” sed on Mac

    The `sed` program on Mac is not a standard (GNU) one. To get the normal one, use brew: brew install gnu-sed After this, alter PATH.…Continue readingA “normal” sed on Mac

  • What sets outliers apart

    There is a famous quote from Einstein that goes “genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work”, and the book Outliers: the story of success…Continue readingWhat sets outliers apart

  • A faster key repeat rate for Mac OS X

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 1 The fastest one can get via System Preferences is 2. You can set it to either 0 or 1,…Continue readingA faster key repeat rate for Mac OS X

  • Tastypie error handling with Unauthorized Exception

    In Tastypie v0.9.15 unauthorized exception messages are not included in the response. The cause lies in the following code: (tastypie/, Line 601-602 in v0.9.15) def…Continue readingTastypie error handling with Unauthorized Exception

  • The unconsciousness rules our lives

    When my girlfriend asks me if I had vegetables for dinner, my usual answer would be “no, but I had fruits”, upon hearing this she…Continue readingThe unconsciousness rules our lives

  • Henry Kissinger On China

    The uniqueness of China lies in the long history and profound culture and traditions developed within the long period. Thanks to this uniqueness, we are…Continue readingHenry Kissinger On China